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Front End - React, Angular

React is my favorite framework. I use it in most of my applications with all the mordern features like React Hooks or Context API among many others. It works well with Redux, Styled Components, React Router etc. In Projects you can see my deployed projects with React and the corresponding GitHub code. This portfolio was built in React and Next.js. It supports SEO and can be viewed in English, Spanish and German. See GigHub code

In my Weight Loss App I used Angular with Angular-Material

Languages: CSS, SASS, HTML, Javascript, Typescript

Technologies: React, Redux, Angular, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Tachyons, Material UI, JQuery

Picture of the author

Server - Node.js

I chose Node.js for the majority of my projects. I prefer the minimalistic approach to build applicatins because it gives me freedome and flexibility, which in combination with my thorough knowledge of Javascript and algorithms allows me to build any API possible to best satisfy customers' requirements.

Languages: Javascript, Typescript

Technologies: Node.js, Express.js

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When it comes to choosing the database, I am governed by the nature of the data, if scalability is required and/or by my customers' requirements.

Tools: GraphQL, Sequelize, AngularFirestore

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Firebase