Weight Control

App to keep track of colories consumed and burned

Weight Control

Angular, Firebase

After registration, a user is asked to provide his or her age, gender, height and weight followed by a popup asking for how many kilograms (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc) per week one desires to lose. This will calculate the caloric deficit per day necessary to achieve the set goal, based on the body parameters and goals provided when registered. The caloric deficit or surmount is calculated not only based on the difference between total amount of calories consumed with food and burned by activities, but also by the basal metabolic rate that is dependent on body parameters, age and gender. Every time a user consumes food or performs an activity, he or she clicks a corresponding icon to recalculate the total amount of caloric deficit or surmount and also the grams of fat that is lost or gained since midnight of the current day. The results are visualized in the table live. It is also possible to view the summery for all previous days.

Languages, Technologies, Tools

Angular, Typescript, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Material Design, AngularFirestore, AngularFireAuth, Firebase

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